( Last update: 26 August 2016 )
This privacy policy is part of the Terms of use for this site:
This site uses Google Analytics to help analyse site behaviour and statistics;
Google Analytics places first-party cookies which are small scripts on your computer to collect internet log information and user behaviour in anonymous form;
No personally identifiable information is collected about you (such as your name, address, age, gender or email);
The collected information (including your computer's IP address - with last three digits anonymized to zero - and browser type, screen size, ...) is sent to Google where it is processed to compile statistical reports;
We use this information only to evaluate aggregate visitor usage statistics, and monitor site performance (such as average pageload time, server response, session duration,...);
To make it short: we are not interested in your personal data and we do not collect it. Your anonymity here is safe. Our interests are centered on monitoring and improving this site performance to guarantee you a better user experience.
Thank you.